Monthly Archives: November 2019

Addendum To Invasive Restrictions

I received an anonymous response to my last post tonight.  I did not approve the post for two reasons: it was written anonymously (I have long said that anonymous postings will be banned on this blog, as it invites impermissible abuse) and it was clearly written by someone intimately familiar with the geography of the gym at issue, and which leads me to believe it was one of HER cronies, if not HER directly – since I did not name the gym or its actual location in my post.  Clearly the responder knows not only of the gym at issue, but is trying to defend HER being there.  For the reasons discussed, HER being there has no legitimate purpose: SHE was there to cause problems, and she did.

But this being said, there were a couple of points that do need a fair response:

First, it was pointed out that SHE could have been invited by another player.  The EX game mechanics provide for game invites (as I described) and for anyone invited to actually invite one other person.  I did neglect to mention this in my post, but it was not a deliberate oversight.  I had actually meant to make a comment about that, but forgot by the time I had written and posted the entry.

To this point: The second mechanic I forgot to discuss means there are inherent pairings that go on at EX raids.  People invite other people they know or have played with, and they have to be Ultra Friends, ie, they have to have been friends in the game a *really* long time, having gone through three of the four rankings of friendship in the game.  As expected, each tier is harder to accomplish than the tier before, and it requires a pretty rigorous routine of sharing gifts for a couple months (at least, if done daily) to achieve – since the tier level can only rise once a day, no matter of whether you are both sending gifts or not.  At the time I received my invitation, I only had one Ultra Friend, and she was the only person I could have invited, even though there were others I would rather have.

Now, I mention this because amongst the group, there were maybe three people I did not recognize, whom I had never seen at gym raids.  Everyone else had someone with them whom I had seen them playing with before.  And of course, SHE had her husband with her, and therefore she was paired, as well.  So the chances of two of the three whom I did not recognize to have invited both HER and her husband is pretty much a Hail Mary longshot of possibility.  Therefore, I stand that either HER or her husband have been frequenting the gym within view of my home, and did not attend because they were extraneously invited.

That said, even if the possibility existed that they were both invited, SHE knew full well that the gym was two blocks from my home, and she had already been informed that I was playing the game.  SHE has alleged, repeatedly, that she is supposedly afraid of me – so why would she attend a gym raid that she knew was only two blocks from my home and she knew there was an INCREDIBLY high likelihood that I would be at, if she did not do so for a deliberate and nefarious purpose?

There’s only one reason SHE would have been there: because SHE knew the location, and SHE knew she could provoke problems by going there for the EX gym raid.  If both SHE and her husband had been invited extraneously and had never actually been at the gy before, they would not have come – because she has been building a narrative that SHE is supposedly afraid of being anywhere near me.  SHE came because she had been there before and knew people there would be used to seeing her there.  In other words, this veil had already been pierced, so maintaining the facade that SHE was afraid of being around me was pointless.  So she came to accomplish exactly what she did: to create a scene that would give her a vehicle with which to harass and provoke me.

Second, the person that wrote the anonymous referred to “the individual… [I] will not say the name of”, implying that I am refusing the name her.  But as I have mentioned – frequently – everytime I name her in a new post, she runs to the police, sheriff, my probation office and the courts with some new made up allegation and tries to claim I am doing something wrong.  Anyone reading my last post will note there are no threats, implied or otherwise, and I do my level best to make sure there is nothing that can be taken that way, but it never fails: she always takes something out of context and tries to claim it is a threat.  So I have simply found that the path of least resistance is simply to not post new material with her name, and reference back to other material where her name is mentioned.

It is not that I refuse to name her; it is that she keeps manipulating my using her name to create some fabricated claim of wrongdoing on my part that makes it impossible to even say the simplest thing.  For instance, if I said, “I would never hurt HER (substitute her name here)”, she would be filing a sheriff’s report saying that was actually a threat, that I was somehow sending her a secret message that I was coming after her.

It does not matter that her and her cronies go onto Craigslist, Facebook, and other social media and run my name around to everything short of the JFK murders, and actually make genuine and direct threats of actual acts of harm against me – what matters is that the law enforcement in this town have a bone with me and will validate whatever angle SHE gives them to run with, because it justifies their harassment of me.   I have made countless reports of actual threats of harm that SHE has been behind, even filed a lawsuit for a hack of my accounts that SHE was behind, but law enforcement and the courts protect her; but if she goes and says I have threatened her through some secret innuendo language that only she knows, I can guarantee the sheriff or police will be investigating.

So before trying to lay an allegation that I am refusing to name someone, try taking it into the actual context and the reasons I have already given.

The bottom line here is that SHE is not going to able to gloss this one over.  SHE has been caught, and SHE cannot backtrack away from this.  SHE has been watching my home, and I now know one of the places SHE has been doing it from.

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Posted by on November 9, 2019 in Uncategorized


Invasive Restrictions

I am writing this post mostly as a way to vent, but it does serve as a perfect opportunity to demonstrate exactly how invasive the persistent restrictions that corrupt authorities and individuals have placed upon me truly are, and how limited I am in simply trying to live day by day.   And just to be clear up front, this is about the liar and thief who has plagued my life for the last fifteen years (look to my previous entry for more info) and the corrupt courts who have given her the ability to disrupt my life in whatever way she wants, while claiming that I am the one disrupting hers.

First, a little back story.  A couple of months ago, I began playing Pokemon Go.  I had been encouraged to start playing by several people over the years whom I crossed paths with in my parking lot – because, as Fate would have it, my apartment building is the site of a Pokemon gym.

I initially resisted the idea of playing because I did not want to play a game that – even I thought – would be primarily played by kids, considering the label hanging over my head.  Simply put, regardless of whether my interest was in the anime, the nostalgia of characters my son grew up with (and I shared with him), the fact that I taught and promoted the card game through my youth program for seven years and later my adult sobriety program for three, or just the collection aspects, people would automatically assume I was looking for reasons to hang around kids by playing Pokemon Go.  Would not be true, but nothing against me ever has to be true, nor even provable – just needs to be said.

However, as I watched people coming and going to the gym location by my home, I noticed something: I never saw kids.  I never ran into kids in my parking lot playing the game.  Not once in three years.  And the people I spoke with told me that the game was mostly played by adults.  And so I felt safe in that it was not a game played by kids and so that when someone once again urged me to play so I could “guard” the gym, I downloaded it and started playing.

An interesting aside: Americans readily disregard that Pokemon was originally created in Japan (where it was known as Pocket Monsters) as a cartoon marketed to adults – and the original cartoons are full of sexual innuendo and violence.  When it was brought over the U.S., it was edited and toned down so it could be marketed through 4Kids for broadcast through FOX Kids TV programming, but it clearly still has a huge interest amongst adults.

I quickly learned that the game involved quite a bit of social engagement.  To get the stronger, more powerful Pokemon, one had to play in sophisticated raid battles (random advanced Pokemon who would take over gyms for a limited 45 minute window) that could not be beaten by a single player – you had to play with others.  And so I began to try to socialize, to talk to other players I met at my place and at other gym locations.  There was no socialization beyond gym battles, and at no point did I encounter anyone I believed was an underaged female (my specific restriction).  Even during the last Community Day (a once-a-month event for the game), I still never encountered any underage females.

In speaking to the players I did meet, I learned there were two ways people were coordinating for the raids: through Facebook and through a chat program called Discord.  I was told the latter was a better tool, and since I have restrictions against Facebook*, I chose to use that one.  I received an invitation and joined, and for about a week, I was able to coordinate with the gym raids.

And then, inexplicably, my access to the Pokemon Go Discord group was revoked.  No explanation, no communication – I just could not get into the group anymore.  And I noticed that players whom I had previously talked to through Discord were no longer willing to talk to me at gym battles I did find them at.  I contacted Discord customer service and confirmed that the only way I could have lost access was if I was banned from the group.  So once again, clearly someone in the group recognized me and decided to declare that I was some kind of undesirable – and today, I believe I know why: because today, I learned SHE is playing the game.

In the game, there are even rarer and harder gym battles to access, that one can only get to through invitation: EX Gym Raids.  I received an invitation from the game at a gym located two blocks from my home – because I had battled at the gym before.  I was excited, because in the couple of months I had been playing, I had never received an EX Gym Raid invitation before.  And so I showed up with bells on…

Only to find HER sitting at the gym site.

Keep in mind: this gym is literally two blocks from my home, and the only way she could have received an invitation was if she were playing at that gym frequently enough to earn an invitation from the game.  The invitations do not go out to just local players – and they do not go out to every player who has visited the gym.  There has to be a level of regular and recent activity to earn a coveted game invitation.  Which means – in no uncertain terms – she has been stalking my neighborhood and battling in the gyms within blocks of my home while she is in the area (kind of like the stalker who buys gum at the neighborhood store while stalking his victim).  And considering that she lives over five miles away from my home, there is simply no justifiable reason for her to be frequenting my neighborhood, unless she were stalking me!

And just to be perfectly clear: the front door of my home is visible from the gym site.  Literally, she can sit on a bench and watch my home from the gym location because of the geography of the neighborhood!  There’s a parking lot between us, so if there are large cars parked in the way, it is obstructed, but only if there are cars – if the lot is vacant, or the cars are not parked in the right way, there is a clear line of site between the gym location and my front door!

This is significant because she has gone to court repeatedly claiming that I am stalking her, but walks in with an itinerary of every place I go, and everything I am doing.  And no matter how many times I point out to the presiding judge, Heidi Ulbricht, that she is clearly stalking me, I get ignored.  Just proof that she has been doing it and is obviously still doing it, since she would not have received an invitation if she were not in this area recently enough to qualify for the EX Raid invitation!

For those who need a quick refresher course, SHE is my ex-girlfriend and ex-business partner who stole my business assets when I was sent to prison, and who has been spending the last several years bringing frivolous restraining orders against me and has tried to provoke my return to prison to try to stop a lawsuit for those assets which the courts refuse to even let come to trial for almost twelve years!  Yes, there is a civil case that has been pending for twelve years because the local courts know that if it actually went in front of a jury, there would be no way to keep me from my property – because my claim is 100% backed up by the Montana Secretary of State – and keeping me impoverished is the only way they can keep me held as a political prisoner!  I will forego any further background here since I have talked about it ad nauseum hereto, but for more info on this issue, you can read HERE.

At any rate, because she was sitting two blocks from my home at a gym battle, I had to leave.  I could not stay and offer explanations, I had to turn around and leave.  Which also gave her the complete freedom to spin whatever nonsense and lies she wanted to throughout the group of some ten or more people gathered there.  She gets to control the narrative and I get to have my reputation even further obliterated by her defamation – all because I sued Kalispell, and Kalispell is giving her the freedom to dictate where I can go and with whom I can associate with after she committed felony embezzlement, because they know it hurts me to do so!

Remember, she is the criminal here.  She stole hundreds of thousands of dollars in business assets, she has lied and perjured herself repeatedly in court, even tampered with evidence at the last hearing** – indisputably! – but the courts are so dead-set on making certain I am kept down and given no ground for support, that whatever she wants, she gets – regardless of how illegal her conduct is.

Also remember, this is in my neighborhood.  She lives miles away in Evergreen, Montana, which is a suburb of Kalispell.  I live two blocks from this location – and she is fully aware of that.  And it’s fairly obvious that she is behind whatever was said that had me blocked from the Pokemon Go Discord group and has me now ostracized from the other players, as well!

This is the only place I have a voice, and so I came here.  And there’s a pretty good chance that I will in some way be punished again for speaking out, because she monitors this site (ergo, the reason I have stopped routinely updating this site).  Though I am not presently under the restriction, in the past, the local court has banned me from even saying her name.  She will twist something I am saying, claim it is somehow a threat, and either a new penalty will be placed on me, or the authorities will chase after another vexatious revocation – just to silence me.

She is the bad guy, but she has everyone convinced I am – because I am not given a chance to even prove I am right in a court of law.  And even when I can get a hearing, the judges refuse to even follow the rules of evidence,


*One thinks of people who share my label (sex offender) – whether justified or, as in my case, fabricated – should be restricted from certain places: schools, playgrounds, etc.  What people do not realize is that this is only what the public sees – the truth is, there are a lot more restrictions – especially in Montana – that have absolutely no justification and absolutely no relationship to the alleged criminal behavior.  One such example is that Facebook started a practice that has been adopted by several other online platforms to ban anyone with a sex offense conviction – regardless of whether that conviction has anything to do with online predatory conduct.  It is illegal and it is discriminatory, but as I have mentioned before – it is allowable to deprive sex offenders of their inherent human dignity and civil rights.

**I just noticed that the post I made after the last hearing did not post, though I did post a link to the Supreme Court case in my last post.  I will not go into a long discourse here (maybe I will post the original later), but for the purposes of this post, I reference that she indisputably tampered with evidence, and that deserves some explanation.  She claimed in filing her last restraining order that she had seen me by her home (my friend of almost twenty years lives next door), and that seeing me prompted her to retreat back into her home and hide for two hours, and where she supposedly had a panic attack that affected her being able to even go to work.  What really happened was she saw me, glared a malicious stare at me, and got in her car and drove away.  The problem for her is that she has video surveillance cameras around her home and I knew the true events were captured by the video record, and so I subpoenaed them.  She resisted and the court ordered her to comply – so she provided a record that specifically deleted the scene she had testified to!  I objected and pointed out that the video record had been deleted, but Judge Heidi Ulbricht ignored me and took her verbal attestment as the official record and ruled against me.  So, as I said, it was indisputable that she tampered with the record – which is a felony, by the way – but the court ignored her crime and still punished me.

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Posted by on November 3, 2019 in Uncategorized